Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Meeting at the Crossroads - May 7, 2008

Wow, what a great day with God today has been.
I can't share to much info, but its safe for me to tell you that I got to see God guide a secular educational company to want to partner with our church to help young people in ways I would never have thought possible!!! Praise God!!
Tonight, the Meeting at the Crossroads was yet another amazing chance to see God at work.
I have to be honest, I have never seen a group of young people so interested in sharing a devotion. The bright, well articulated insights given by the students were so refreshing.
The Holy Spirit was truly there with us tonight teaching and revealing truths in ways we had never considered. One question that I found particularly interesting was " When we finish a task and feel frustrated that lasting spiritual fruit is not visible, could the reason be we are attempting very little that only God can do?".
Just how much of what we decide to do is something that could only really work out if God made it. Its so much easier to attempt things we feel comfortable we can accomplish in our strength and power using our talents.
What is God calling you to do today that you feel completely unqualified to pull off?

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