Tuesday, September 30, 2008




It’s a cold winter morning and you awake to the annoying buzz of the alarm clock. It’s time for that age old decision. “Do I get up and leave to comfort of my warm, cozy, comfortable bed or………just roll over sleep away the day. It’s a tempting thought for many of us. Maybe for you the decision is whether to try a new opportunity or direction in some area of life or just stay where you are. Keep things the way they are. No surprises, just the comfort of knowing things will be the way they have always been.
I was out fishing one day not long ago. It was a nice warm day and I was just enjoying one of my favorite pastimes with my wife. As I sat there in the sun mulling over the sermon I had heard that morning it occurred to me that we are a lot like some of those fish. Certain species spend their youth in the shelter and comfort of the inland waters. They thrive there in that protection, safe from the storms and predators of the big water outside of the inlet. There comes a point though, if they are to reach their full potential of 50 or 60 pounds, that they take their chances in the “big water”.
I love the safety and comfort of my church. I like knowing that I know all the people. I can usually anticipate how the service will be. Most everyone there are Christians and will not challenge my faith. It’s safe, warm , and comfortable.
I strongly believe that it is inherently important to take full advantage of this safety zone to grow in the foundations of our faith. Wednesday night bible study to equip us with the scriptural basis of our beliefs. A strong traditional service to teach us the ancient practices of the faith and assemble together as the body united in prayer, worship, and study.
The question is, what if that’s all there is? What if we just stay the way we are, simply continue doing things the way we always do? What if we choose to be comfortable? Will we ever experience our full potential? Will we have the opportunity to put into practice what we learn in a way that changes the world around us? Will we decide today to be “big fish” or “little fish”?
Just my thoughts.
Isaiah 6:8
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Every were you look you see it. It’s on little rubber wrist bands, book marks, T-shirts, bumper
stickers-little reminders that as Christians we are called to be little Christ’s to the world around us.
Maybe the better logo would be WDJD (WHAT DID JESUS DO). It’s great to wonder what
would Jesus do in each situation we find ourselves , but how well do you know the character of
your savior?
Just what did Jesus do? Jesus loved all, received all, sympathized and served. Jesus shared meals
with sinners and tax collectors. He forgave and shared his message of salvation with both the despised
prostitute and the innocent child. In his last moments he even prayed for the forgiveness of
those who were killing him. As we journey this life together enduring its trials and reveling in its
joys let us constantly strive to learn what Jesus did so that we may be able to answer the question,
“What would Jesus do?”.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

schnauzer in training to be a retriever

This is our little schauzer "Abby" learning how to dive in the pool and retrieve her ball!!!

Fun @ Camp Cale

I'm Baaaaaackkkkk!

Recently I was preparing a bible study for the youth group. I won't disclose the source but the study was on integrity. This study focused on the story of Ananias and Sapphria in the book of Acts chapter 5. The story goes that this couple were jealous of the attention and notoriety Barnabas received for selling some property he owned and laying all the proceeds at the feet of the apostles to distribute as needed by the church. They decided in their infinite human wisdom to sell some of their own property. The two secretly kept some of the proceeds for their own use and laid the rest at the apostles feet. They evidently made a big show of this and pretended to give all the money from the sell to the church. The Lord revealed the sin of their lie to Peter. The short end of it is that Peter confronted both of them about their lie and the spirit of the Lord struck them dead for their transgression. This is one troubling story for me. The study directed me to allow the kids to discuss if they think that this punishment was too extreme and to direct them to the fact that we should be thankful that Jesus died on the cross, paying for our sins, and protecting us from this kind of harsh judgement.
OK, if there is one thing I have learned about youth its that they are not stupid. This is exactly the kind of question I would expect from these kids in this scenario.
I will choose to focus on the idea that a lack of christian integrity can truly undermine the unity of the church. This truly disables the ministry of the church. not to mention if we don't live what we believe how can we expect the unreached to receive what we believe when we witness to them.