Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Every were you look you see it. It’s on little rubber wrist bands, book marks, T-shirts, bumper
stickers-little reminders that as Christians we are called to be little Christ’s to the world around us.
Maybe the better logo would be WDJD (WHAT DID JESUS DO). It’s great to wonder what
would Jesus do in each situation we find ourselves , but how well do you know the character of
your savior?
Just what did Jesus do? Jesus loved all, received all, sympathized and served. Jesus shared meals
with sinners and tax collectors. He forgave and shared his message of salvation with both the despised
prostitute and the innocent child. In his last moments he even prayed for the forgiveness of
those who were killing him. As we journey this life together enduring its trials and reveling in its
joys let us constantly strive to learn what Jesus did so that we may be able to answer the question,
“What would Jesus do?”.

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